Fantasy Book Tag

I saw this book tag on ZeeZee with Books page, and I thought I’d give it a shot.

What is the longest series you’ve ever read?

The Lord of The Rings without a doubt. These books are so long and amazing. They’re some of my all time faves. This series has so much to offer, it teaches the power of friendship, perseverance, and honor.

I decided to finally read these books when I was a sophomore in college, I’d read The Hobbit many times and figured I should probably move on to LOTR. Honestly, you can’t go wrong with this series, Tolkien is a fantasy master, and these books are the pinnacle in my opinion.

Favorite Fantastical Setting Or World?

Easy. Hogwarts! I’d kill to be able to do magic with the swish of a wand and go to a school for witches and wizards. There are amazing creatures, exotic plants, and a bit of mischief around every corner. I’m a Gryffindor and the prospect of reading in the common rooms next to a warm fire makes my heart happy.

Me leaving this boring place for Hogwarts

Besides Harry Potter, what is your favorite fantasy book/series?

Ok, well it’s The Lord of The Rings but we’ve already discussed that. I imagine that I would be a Hobbit in Middle Earth. I love to eat and live a quiet life. Imagine me, Sav Baggins.

What fantasy book do you wish was more popular?

This is going to sound a little weird at first but, The Witcher. I know it’s having a serious surge in popularity because of the Netflix series, which is awesome by the way, but I still feel like no one is reading the books… it makes me sad. I have no one to compare the show and books with. Hopefully more will decide to pick them up when the next season comes around.

Your favorite villain?

Bellatrix Lestrange, need I say more?

What’s the first fantasy book you have ever read?

The Hobbit. My father used to read this to me before Christmas each year and it just became natural for me to pick it up. This was the beginning of my love affair with fantasy.

Your favorite Harry Potter book?

This one is Rowling’s masterpiece! The story gets a little darker, and there’s time travel. It’s a really well written book.

What is your favorite mythical creature?

Phoenix are the coolest creatures. They literally reincarnate and are born from the ashes. They perfectly illustrate rebirth and if you follow Harry Potter lore, they have a lot of cool abilities. I think Fawkes, Dumbledore’s Phoenix, is the coolest animal sidekick in fantasy.

Favorite female protagonist from a fantasy book?

Hermione Granger. She is so smart and she will do anything for her friends.

Favorite male protagonist?

Sam Gamgee! The ring would’ve never made it to Mt. Doom without him. He constantly risks his life for Frodo, he almost drowns, he fights Shelob, and he sees through Gollum’s lies. Sam is the real hero of LOTR!

Ok, well, if there’s anything you’ve learned is that I’m a little obsessed with Harry Potter and LOTR, but you might’ve already known that. Happy Saturday!

Published by

Savannah Worman

My name is Savannah, you can call me Sav. I am a recent Oregon State graduate, Siletz tribal member, and aspiring book critic. Join me on this exploration of the literary world around us. You’re sure to find something you like. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments feel free to hit me up on the contact page! I live in the Pacific Northwest with my boyfriend, my Havanese/Aussie Shepard Stark, my Jack Russell/Shih Tzu Daenerys, and my son Finn.

8 thoughts on “Fantasy Book Tag”

  1. I agree with you on everything! I love both Harry Potter and lord of the rings 😊 I recommend His Dark Materials they’re amazing too

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